Mental Health Resources in Burnett County
What to do when you or someone you love is in a mental health crisis.
May is Mental Health Awareness month, but as we all know, mental health doesn’t just happen in May alone, and oftentimes, the topic can be difficult to bring awareness to.
But what exactly constitutes a mental health crisis? If you or another person is planning to harm themselves or others, is feeling overwhelmed and out of control, has severe depression, anxiety, or grief and needs immediate help reducing emotional stress or is experiencing symptoms of acute psychiatric illness, then know that there is help out there, right here in Burnett County. Most people find it difficult to discuss their depression, anxiety, suicidal ideations or other issues with friends and family, but by making one phone call to any of the local phone numbers below, you will have made the first and most important step in mental health wellness.
- 24-Hour Confidential Crisis Line: 888-552-6642
- Aurora Community Services: 715-349-7233
- Families First Counseling: 715-349-8913
- St. Croix Tribal Mental Health/AODA: 715-349-2195 ext 5264
- Detox Provider: LE Phillips (Chippewa Falls): 1-800-680-4578
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Alanon, Gamblers Anonymous: New Beginnings Alano Club 7707 Main Street, Siren: 715-349-2588 or call 715-338-6368 for Becky
Mental health and the issues surrounding it stem from a variety of factors that are sometimes beyond our control. Food insecurity, job stressors, family dynamics, alcohol and drug use and other issues can just feel like too much sometimes.
But where do you turn locally? A partnership between Burnett County Public Health and Burnett Medical Center completed a community health needs assessment and from that, a comprehensive resource guide for mental health providers in the area was compiled. You can also discuss what you are experiencing with your primary care provider at Burnett Medical Center. Crisis or not, there is help for you and your loved ones right here in Burnett County.