Understanding Seasonal Allergies & Tips for Relief

Spring has sprung! The flowers are blooming, *Ahhh* the days are beautiful and sunny, *Ahhhhhh* the birds are chirping, *ACHOO*… and of course here come my seasonal allergies.  For many, the arrival of spring also means the onset of seasonal allergies. If you’re one of the millions affected by allergies each year, you’re not alone.…

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Spring Into Wellness at BMC: Your Guide to Springtime Health and Check-ups

As the days grow longer and the weather warms up, springtime offers the perfect opportunity to refresh your approach to health and wellness. Burnett Medical Center is here to guide you through your journey to a healthier you this season. Whether it’s scheduling a health check-up or exploring ways to enhance your well-being, we’ve got…

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Preventive Care for Every Age: Staying Healthy Through All Walks of Life

From childhood through the golden years, proactive healthcare measures can help prevent illness, detect diseases early, and promote overall wellness. At Burnett Medical Center (BMC), we understand that each stage of life presents unique health challenges and opportunities. That’s why we’re committed to providing comprehensive preventive care services tailored to individuals of All Walks of…

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BMC Converts to a New Electronic Health Record System

On November 12, 2023, BMC converted its electronic health record software system to Epic, the number one electronic health record software company in the country. Epic will allow BMC to communicate better with other Epic facilities.  An electronic health record is a digital version of a patient’s medical history. It includes basic identifying information, past…

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The Top Three Benefits of Physical Therapy After Orthopedic Surgery

After orthopedic surgery, your joints or bones will take time to recover. Recovery will especially be lengthy if you’re over the age of 60. On the road to recovery, you can expect a degree of pain and immobility that can make daily living more difficult. However, the benefits of physical therapy will far outweigh the discomfort…

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Your Burnett Medical Center Guide to Common Orthopedic Injuries

As we age, our bones, joints, and tendons become more prone to injury. These issues can be painful and debilitating, preventing us from doing our favorite activities. We’ve shared a few examples of common orthopedic injuries to keep you informed. Read on to learn more!  If you need orthopedic services in Grantsburg and surrounding areas,…

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Burnett Medical Center Welcomes New Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Nicole Kelsen

Burnett Medical Center (BMC) is pleased to have Nicole Kelsen, DO, serve the community in the area of Orthopedics. Dr. Kelsen was born and raised in Minnesota and completed her undergraduate training at the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph, Minnesota. Medical school took her to Des Moines, Iowa, and she then went on…

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